Day: April 17, 2016

The abstract edit – Sound n Image

This is an “abstract video” which has been showing the rain in someday and what people feel like.

In this semester, I think that I had been developed my technical skill of the editing staff in Premiere, rather than using After Effect that I have done before. I believe that the fun of doing editing is you can tell the story in many ways that you want to. When you editing it seem like you got the rough footage and you can put or change whatever you need such as sound, change color grading.

In the raw footage, my group tries to shot many things around RMIT building but we are not able to go outside because it was a rainy day, so we stay still in the building 13 and shot around that area. In the original footages, I decided to edit it in “rainstorm” concept, so I put the footage that relates to the concept and tries to do color grading into black and white video and put more contrast to making the video feel even worse. For the sound, I believe that I put on really suit with this video because it not so sad song but it can bring you into the rainy day.

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