Month: May 2017

NDIN : Assessment task 2

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.

NDIN : Audience Analysis

Why are you creating this story? Goals, rationale, purpose, premise? What do you want your audience to experience or understand?
This project is a series of three – minute 360 degree travel documentary demonstrate the beauty and lifestyle of specific cities. As the main purpose of this project is introducing and dedicating the beauty of Melbourne City in a various view angles, so the project has three different themes. Each of them includes 2-3 short 30-second- 360videos and published in three sections relevant to the themes in the website. This is a non-linear narrative way which give the users coming to the website the power to select their most interesting theme and videos to watch.

What is your story? In what way will it be original, surprising, human, passionate, truthful or relevant to your audience?
This project is A non-human protagonist series of 30-second-360videos demonstrates beautiful Melbourne city in three different themes including landscape, foods, and lifestyles relevant to a continuous 24 hours. It will bring audiences a brand new perspective to know the journey to the main attractions of the particular city from the sunrise (5 or 6 o’clock in the morning) to midnight. The project, a combination of 360images, Observational Type of Documentary without voice-over and fast-speed background music, will be hosted in a simple interactive website which viewers will have the power to choose which theme and which video they would like to watch.

Where will you publish your story? What platform/s and hardware are suited to your audience? E-books, blogs, videos, photos, podcasts, tweets, status updates, apps, games, forums, websites?
The platform for the visual graphic novel will be launched on VR 360 degree tools : 360 FLY (spherical camera) will be used to shoot the 360 videos. Drone and Quad copters which help to capture the better view from bird’s-eye view but this might be changed due to the council permission for the professionals, license and safety. YouTube and Facebook will be the publishing platforms due to their capacity in bringing out the 360 degree video and their target audience. Adobe After Effect, Premiere, Photoshop and Illustrators will be used to edit the videos.

Who is your audience? Who is your target viewer/user – i.e. the group you will target in promoting the work?
The project will be delivered to the target audience by publishing in travel agent groups in social media platforms that support 360videos such as Facebook, YouTube and in our website. As the main subject matter explores not only the travel agents but also the traveler users, this social media strategy will use the Facebook platform to gain organic reach and views, while also assisting to make ‘viral’ spreadable media without an actual marketing budget. Also, teasers with normal video experiences will be used in Vimeo, Instagram and so on.

When will you create the content and start to engage your audience? What is the production process and publishing schedule?
The content has been created I set my group member, we have got Anh who used to work as a marketing strategy and Zoey who can be a producer. The thing is that I want to keep the group as small as we can, everyone can do their own work professionally without any dramas.
Week 2: Presentation
Week 3: continue working on Pre-Production stage
Week 4: Shooting Schedule for Landscape
Week 5: Shooting Schedule for Food
Week 6: Shooting Schedule for Entertainment and Lifestyle
Week 7: finalizing the rough cut
Week 8-9: Finalizing all videos and website
Week 10-11: Teasing
Week 12 : Final publishing.

How will your audience participate in the narrative? Will they be able to contribute to the narrative, alter the narrative, respond to the narrative?
Audiences can share posts to different social media platforms and leave comments below the posts by creating quality with 360 degree video, users interact with the video by tilting phones / drag mouse in desktop verse to watch 360 degree images so the audiences can get a new better level experience as they standing out there.

NDIN : Write a digital narrative outline

Following the interesting successful series of 30-second-360videos demonstrates beautiful Melbourne city in three different themes including landscape, foods, and lifestyles relevant to a continuous 24 hours, I have the interest in doing the second part of it with Sydney , which is called the Vivid Sydney. Similar to the Melbourne 24 hours series,  the Vivid Sydney will be a combination of 360images, Observational Type of Documentary without voice-over but text in fast-speed background music, will be hosted in a  interactive website which viewers will have the power to choose which theme and which video they would like to watch. However, as the upgrading version of the Melbourne one, the Vivid Sydney will be hosted in a professional interactive website created with Javascript and jQuery with AR interface, then the 360 degree videos pop up due to the choice of the viewers.


Vivid Sydney is one of the most interesting and popular festivals in Australia which occurs in 23-day. Vivid Sydney features many of the world’s most important creative industry forums, a mesmerising free public exhibition of outdoor lighting sculptures and installations and a cutting-edge contemporary music program. Therefore, in my point of view, 360 degree-videos will be an excellent visual images with background music to describe it.

There is only one theme of Vivid festival the videos focus in – LIGHT.  Light is one among three interesting events taking place in the festivals. Light is used to tell the story of each event by popping up in the building / towers or on the mist. So the premise of the series is introducing and illustrating the Light stories of ViVid Festivals in 360 degree.

There are 10 one-minute videos narrating 10 Light stories in the series – appear at the same time in the website interface. Then users have the ability to choose the story they desire to follow next by scanning on the AR image of it, and the 360 degree video will pop-out. This nonlinear narrative structure will help to welcome users to interact and select the content they want to watch.

10 expected stories will be carefully selected from the LIGHT 88 events of Vivid Festival based on its highlight and length, so the choice of content is various and fixable.

NDIN : Analyse a digital narrative


Choose Your Own Adventure is one of the most famous Interactive comedy series of Mike McAlister. Unlike other typical linear comedy genre, the viewers have the power to choose the way the story ends.

Story elements:

Events : A simple but interesting story of the man who meets his unstably emotional and vulnerable girlfriend which requires the viewer to choose between 2 options to make sure he can keep the relationship. The story structure is not so complicated but quite challenging the viewers to select the right options. Its non-linear narrative structure may bring the concentration from the users.

Actors: The Protagonist – The boyfriend who needs help from viewer ; The Key support roles – his vulnerable girlfriend and a random guy protagonist meet on the street.

Time: In the present time.

Place and props: The living room where the guy meets his girlfriend is the key place and some important props such as flowers he plans to give her leads to the event or his job offer letter at the turning points.

Narrative elements:

Ordering: The story is told in the order of time starting from the time the protagonist coming home until the end of their ( him and his girlfriend ‘s ) argument – chronological way ). There are also some flash forwards used in the story.

Pace: This story happens in real-time pace. The story is told continuously and immediately after options are chosen.

Focalisation: The narrator is not the one who controls the way the story happens but the viewers. The story happens continuously with the point of view – the choice of the users.

Narrator: It is clear that the protagonist is the narrator in this story as he leads the story with the particular events. However, as the viewers have the ability to choose the next events, they are the ones who tell the story too!

Text: This interactive comedy provides the viewers with options in text in order to let them have more time to decide and have clear understanding of choices they make.

Traditional narrative features:

Linearity: “Choose your own adventure: Talking to your girlfriend” is a non-linear story because it does not run from beginning to end in a straight line, there are multiple options at ends of each clip.

Series of conflicts: The conflict of the story is the argument from the point of view of the protagonist and his girlfriend. Unlike other linear story, the conflict has different solutions from the viewers’ choices, which leads the outcome of the video – the guy will be killed, be single or win the adventure.

Protagonist and antagonist: It is clear that the guy is the protagonist who the events conflicts mainly go around him and the story is his adventure of controlling over his relationship. His over-emotional girlfriend is the antagonist who is a threaten to his goal – maintaining the relationship.

Three-act structure:

Act1, the protagonist, gives an introduction of the story with his particular situation with his girlfriend to an audience, so they understand what is exactly happening in the story, and how they participate in this project.
Act2, during the video playing, we can know the ideas and positions can be changed quickly, and any “impropriety” actions of the protagonist can cause entirely different ends.
Act3, the narrator-guy has his own end based on the story’s event choice of the viewers during the whole story.

Hero’s journey: the story starts with an ordinary world where we can see a chubby guy in a white shirt and nerdy glasses on the way to visit his girlfriend with some beautiful flowers (just like the most of the guys in the world), then he has to deal with his girlfriend’s emotional issues. At the moment, an audience wants to know what is going to happen next, so he was giving himself the advice to different things to amuse the girl.

Digital narrative features:

Numerical coding: this is an interactive video which is embed with hyperlinks to other platforms at the end of each clip.

Modularity: This interesting digital project is the combination of several modules such as real visual images, background music, and interactive options in text.

Variability: take the video as an example, different clicks can lead to the story end with various results (won the game, be single and be dead).

Programmed elements: the interactive function/ choices.

Participatory aspects: by participating with interactive clicks in the video, audiences are able to choose their own story lines.

NDIN : Personal choice

For this task, I come up with the idea that new computer technologies that use virtual reality headsets to generate the realistic images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment or create an ideal setting. Besides, as a computer graphic, I’m interested in this area then I tried hard to find out how to make it, and public online in 360 views and I got it done.
So, this is the video to show 360-degree editing method.

NDIN : Investigate digital tools

Hardware equipment: 360fly 4K Digital Camera + quad-copter + VR headset
Software in production: 360fly Director to export footage, Premiere and After Effects to editing the video, Spatial Media Metadata injector to transfer a normal video into 360 view.
Media tools: YouTube, Facebook

Hardware equipment:

360 Fly Camera: Capture the entire 360° space with a single shot, takes the complex process of capturing and creating spherical photos and videos down to a single button press. Using its Wi-Fi and mobile apps, you can control the camera, and edit and share photos and video. Addition of self-timer gets you better selfies or time to get out of the shot entirely.

Drone and Quadcopters: At a small size, quadcopters are cheaper and more durable than conventional helicopters due to their mechanical simplicity. Their smaller blades are also advantageous because they possess less kinetic energy, reducing their ability to cause damage. Just in case, this might be changed due to the council permission for the professionals, licence and safety.

VR Headset: VR headsets are widely used with computer games but they are also used in other applications, including simulators and trainers. Things have gotten simpler since then: outside a few special circumstances, we’re now almost always referring to things you see inside a VR headset like the Oculus Rift. Unfortunately, this definition implies that all headsets are roughly equivalent — that a $30 Google Cardboard will do the same thing as an $800 HTC Vive.

Software in production: As a graphic design that I’ve used Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects for more than six years, I believe that Those are the most powerful tool for media industry. one of the reasons that goes to its malfunction. It almost can achieve all I needs that I’m going to use on my social media networking, such as Illusion design, digital painting, animation, etc.

The concept of those programs is modification, it is very important to organized different aspects of images or clips. It can bring various of effects of your works.

However, there are still massive software can be used. More important thing is that those software make illusion much easier to pick up than traditional tools, that will make our work more attractive.

Social media site:

Facebook: it may be the most effective way to reach wide range of audience, and posts are easily to share. Moreover, the main target audience is travel agents all around the worlds to publish the series into their Facebook fan pages to bring the messages to both the travelers and the travel agents. or in other devices. The database of Facebook shows that users are very average, it means almost everyone on this planet are using Facebook now.

YouTube: It is a video site. all videos are uploaded online can be shared in other sites. With 360-degree video, users interact with the video by tilting phones and drag the mouse in desktop verse to watch 360-degree images